Bringing together old and young people

Generation Exchange:  Haringey Outstanding For All –  Best Community Organisation Award Winner, 2014

Our Volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds to work with our charity. They are over 50, reliable, skilled and want to make a regular commitment. The skills they can offer include helping children with reading and maths but we also have volunteers who can do coaching with Years 12 & 13 and volunteers who work in early years in Children’s centres.

We recruit, screen and train all our volunteers to a very high standard.   The volunteers attend their placements for 2.5 hours per week for approximately 30 – 32 weeks a year.  Volunteers who do reading with children will usually spend approximately 15/20 minutes with each child, and so will probably help 5 or 6 children in an afternoon or morning session. Although they are trained our volunteers cannot replace teachers.

“This project is fantastic and really makes a difference in our school”  (Ethnic Minorities Achievement Co-ordinator, Primary School)

“Every single child who has had 1:1 support from the volunteers has made an accelerated progress.  It is easily the biggest impact of any reading intervention across the school”

“The support of the charity has been invaluable, and has enabled the school to significantly increase our ability to provide much more regular 1:1 reading provision where it is needed most, and this has impacted significantly on pupil confidence, progress and attainment” 

Linda Saar, Head Teacher, Risley Avenue Primary School, Tottenham N17


Help with reading and maths

Mutual benefit for young and old

One to one attention

Trained and screened volunteers